This is a collection of free resources to help you get a holistic well rounded understanding of what the cloud is and how to navigate the ever-growing landscape of cloud services. We'll dive into some of these popular services, the differences between cloud vendors, best practices, and architectural patterns for getting the best and the most out of your cloud usage.
These resources are organized in such a way as to promote a gradual and well-rounded understanding where each topic builds upon the previous one. That said, feel free to skip and/or pick and choose if you feel that you have a good grasp of a particular subject.
Note that some of the resources below might be touching on a specific cloud vendor (AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud, etc) but the concepts they will be covering are cloud-agnostic in that they apply regardless of your cloud environment - even though the terminology and some specifics might differ.
The concepts we'll cover are:
🔹 What is Cloud and Cloud Adoption
🔹 Virtualization (VMs, containers)
🔹 Cloud Architecture Patterns
🔹 Basics of Computer Networking
🔹 Load Balancing
🔹 Databases
🔹 Message Brokers
🔹 The Serverless Paradigm
🔹 Cloud Provider Comparison
Without further ado - here are the resources!
Cloud Basics
These are not cloud specific - but rather foundations upon which many of the cloud offerings rest.
Cloud-Agnostic Foundations and Technologies
Many cloud services are based on these concepts and technologies such as NoSQL databases, message brokers, and of course - virtual networking and virtual machines.
Message Brokers
👉 https://www.cloudwaydigital.com/post/making-sense-of-event-streaming-vs-traditional-messaging - What are message brokers and how they differ from event streaming platforms.
👉 https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/nosql-databases-5f6639ed9574/ - The basics of NoSQL databases — and why we need them
👉 https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-nosql-in-3-hours/ - Free course to learn NoSQL databases.
General Cloud Patterns
Serverless Computing
Architectural Patterns
👉 Cloud design patterns - Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Learn - This is a great overview of the most popular and useful architecture patterns. Although this is from Microsoft Azure, these patterns are used with other cloud vendors as well.
Cloud Provider Comparison
👉 Top 50+ AWS Services Explained in 10 Minutes - These are specific to AWS but other cloud vendors have mostly comparable services (although under different names and with different specifics)
Hope these serve you well on your cloud journey! ☁️ 🚀